La excentrica madrid teatro

Theater School, Clown & Burlesque – Joaco Martin

J.A. González Carrera, ‘John Davies y el devenir del hombre moderno’, El Correo – Territorios, 13 October F.C.S., ‘Más allá del ‘tempo’ moderno’, El Pais, 16 October Eva Larrauri, ‘Nada es más fascinante que la figura humana’, El Pais, 18 October

Victor Zarza, ‘El cuerpo/signo’, Blanco y Negro Cultural, 26 February ‘El IVAM exhbibe la mayor retrospective de Europa sobre la escultura ‘visionaria y ecéntrica’ del británico John Davies’, Siglo XXI, El Diario Digital, 10 March ‘John Davies reinventa la humanidad’, Levante, 11 March

Isabel García Lorca, the sister of the poet from Granada dies.

With Nadie morirá después de mí, the performer Julia Irango looks at the death of her father. A work, she says, that crosses her «the path of death of a man whom I loved havolosta corners of pain and love that I myself do not understand.»

21-11-2022. El Pasillo Verde Teatro hosts Maldito Espinosa, a play written and directed by Sergio Santiago in which Miguel, a young engineer recalls his Erasmus in Amsterdam, where he had a transformative encounter with two brothers and with the philosophy of Baruch de Espinosa.

October 2022. A dressing room. Four actors. Four mirrors. Esteban Roel directs at Teatro Alfil Qué difícil es, a comedy in which the protagonists will live a whirlwind of emotions, memories and confessions. Continue reading.

27-9-2022- PaElla is the new stage project of Tarambana Espectáculos. David Fernández ‘Fabu’ is the creator of this dish that is directed by Víctor Velasco with Nerea Moreno and David Fernández ‘Fabu’ himself on stage. Continue reading.

The Gran Teatro Falla in Cadiz will host the 26th edition of the Max Awards for the Performing Arts. This has been announced by the SGAE Foundation and the City Council of Cadiz. The awards ceremony will take place on April 17, 2023. Continue reading.

Old Way OTA – EXCÉNTRIKA BALL – MeetYou Valladolid

Tras licenciarse en Arte Dramático y Danza (1ª clase) por la Universidad de Surrey, y trabajar en la producción de la BBC durante 3 años como Asistente de Emisión e Investigadora, Carla recibió una beca para formarse como actriz en The Oxford School of Drama, seleccionada por la BBC como una de las cinco mejores escuelas de arte dramático del Reino Unido. Entre sus papeles más memorables figuran Sarah en «Easy Virtue», Julie en «Miss Julie», la Sra. Gibbs en «Our Town» y Julia Browne en «After the Dance».

Durante tres meses representó varios espectáculos en escuelas italianas, entre ellos «La familia Addams» y «Peter Pan» con Teatro Senza Frontiere. A continuación, realizó una gira nacional de seis meses por el Reino Unido con la obra «Flightcases» en centros comunitarios, incluyendo talleres en escuelas y prisiones, además de representaciones públicas nocturnas. Continuó con Riding Lights, ideando la comedia de detectives «Pipe Dreams», de la que hizo una gira de 3 meses, en el papel del friki de oficina Digger, entre otros. Otros trabajos teatrales incluyen a Jules en «Wasted» (gira T.I.E. sobre drogas) y a Lee en la comedia de teatro musical «Cowgirls».

The Burlesque & Freak Show © by Joaco Martin & La

The Bliss are an eccentric bohemian family, composed of parents David and Judith and their sons Sorel and Simon. The open relationship that the older ones maintain makes it possible that Judith decides to invite the handsome Sandy Tyrell to their country house, with the intention of discovering new sensations. The problem arises with the arrival of three new guests, Mayra, Richard and Jackie at the behest, respectively, of each of the other three members of the Bliss family. The messes and misunderstandings follow one after the other.[1]

Under the title La encantadora familia Bliss, the play premiered at the Teatro Alexis in Barcelona, in translation by Vicente Balart, directed by Antonio Chic and performed by Carmen Molina, Carolina Colom, Salvador Escamilla, Luis Tarrau and Miguel Viadé.[2] The play was also performed in the Teatro Alexis in Barcelona.